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A member registered Aug 17, 2023

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I've had to give up on this update, the El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas BGM loading error has ruined it for me. I tried correcting the name and all that, but the error keeps repeating itself and I cannot get the game to work properly after I reach Bastet's pyramid.

Interestingly, when perusing the Audio files, I find no OGG files, only rpgmvo files. I did fine two files similarly named:

El Infausto Ladron de Joyas A.rpgmvo

El Infausto Ladron de Joyas B.rpgmvo

But if I try to change those, won't it just break it more since they're not OGG files?

When entering the area of Bastet's Pyramid Ruins, the game continuously freezes due to an audio error according to the following error message: 

Loading Error

Failed to Load: audio/bgm/El%20Infausto%20Ladr%C3%B3n%20Joyas%20A.ogg


It will allow you to play for a few seconds after the Retry, but will continuously report the same error every 3+ seconds even if you leave the ruins. Note, that specifically it is the area outside of the ruins, not within the ruins proper. I have not been able to test if this extends to all of the ruins for obvious reasons.